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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School

Parents Forum

Regular, open communication and consultation with parents is really important to the school. The Parents' Forum enables parents to meet, share ideas and feed back to the school.

The Parents' Forum is led by School Governors and a member of the School's Senior Leadership Team always comes too. Meetings are informal and a genuine opportunity for open discussion.

Please note that all issues discussed at the Parents' Forum should be general issues, not related to a specific child or incident. If you have specific concerns about your child your first point of contact should always be your class teacher.

If you would like to receive minutes of the parents' forum or have any suggestion for the forum but cannot attend please email the LGBChair@compasspoint.bristol.sch.uk

Details of the dates are published in our calendar but meetings are generally the first Wednesday of the term at 9am.